I have two things to show, the first is another card with one of the horse stamps I got.

I've tried a few different things today to see if it would maybe kick start my mojo and this was one of them. I didn't use any designer paper!!! Instead a used a small piece of plain handmade paper which had part of a small leaf in it and stamped it with some tapestry stamps that I have had for over a year but had never used before. I also stamped the base card with these adn around the horses after I had stamped them and embossed with clear embossing powder. I didn't even colour the horses! and just when you think I couldn't get more out of my comfort zone if I tried, I didn't add no flowers! Instead I used a Anna Griffin punch to punch some butterflies. The English Countryside stamp was in a bargain box from Artymiss about a year ago and it's another one I have never used. So all in all a good day for my neglected stash. I'm not sure if I like it but it was fun to make.
Now for the second thing I made. I had been playing with the idea of doing something with a puzzle piece after seeing Donalda use one the other day, then today I saw one on Susies blog that she had also made into a wall hanging. So I finally found a large puzzle piece from one of the kids old puzzles and got to work. Everything I have used except the paints, inks and embossing powder is from Aries Crafts. Oh and ribbon and bead string is from my stash.

All the altered puzzle pieces I have seen recently on people's blogs have been cute ones which are lovely but I wanted to try something different for a change and as I said use up some of the stash I got from Aries Crafts who sponsor me. So first of all as this puzzle had a very shiney surface, I painted over Postman Pat lol as I didn't have any primer, then I covered the front with clear embossing ink and poured on gold embossing powder and heated until it was all melted then heated a few random bits some more just because I felt like it lol.
I cut out some scalloped circles with my nesties one on the doggie paper to mat my image on and the other in white shimmery card then stamped the dog which is from a Hero Arts set. I then tore some of the dog paper and stuck that on, stamped the here comes trouble and woof tag stamps from the same Hero Arts set onto some of the dog papers and stuck them and added some gold bead string and some ribbon.
I'm not sure about this either but it was real fun to make and I think I will have to do more of them. I found a Postman Pat puzzle that had 2 pieces missing so I have another 47 pieces to play with! lol
Now I'm off to do some blog hopping and see what you have all been up to.
Lora x
holy moly! that horse is beautiful and that puzzle piece is awesome. i love it! you really stepped outside the box. good for you! you're alot braver than i am!
try to stop by snr tonight to see some more of the soon-bo-be-released squigglefly images - and my coming out party!
What a lovely way to have some fun Lora I do adore that horse stamp also a great idea with the jigsaw puzzle piece. I have left something for you on my blog.
Lorraine x
These are so unique! That horse stamp is awesome. And that puzzle is adorable! You know me and dogs so I love that one a bunch LOL! Best, Curt
Oh now I am LOVIN' these creations!! The top image is beautiful and I just adore this fun puzzle piece creation!! How clever is that!! :) So fun!! HUGS
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